Governor's COVID-19 Testing Task Force

CIAPM staff serve on the Governor's COVID-19 Testing Task Force (TTF), led by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). The mission of the TTF is to reduce transmission of COVID-19 and support public health by improving accessibility, equity, timeliness, and sustainability of testing. On the TTF website, the mission is summarized as elevating "the right test, for the right situation, at the right time," conveying a clear nexus with the principles of precision medicine.

CIAPM primarily contributes to the Testing Innovations Workstream, which focuses on analyzing new diagnostic technologies. Led by Dr. Sharon Messenger of CDPH, weekly meetings gather experts from academia, health care, local public health departments, and state government to address topics related to novel techniques, logistical barriers, supply concerns, and future needs. Among other roles, CIAPM staff generate weekly literature reviews of relevant research studies, coordinate meetings, and provide synopses of topical national and international meetings and webinars, including from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Association of Molecular Pathology.

California Surgeon General's Report

CIAPM is honored to have supported the Office of the California Surgeon General throughout the development of Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General's Report on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health, released December 9, 2020. The 438-page, cross-sector resource is dedicated to addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the associated impacts of toxic stress that lead to long-term negative social and health challenges. This special effort relied on a rigorous scientific framework and drew upon the expertise of leaders across disciplines and geographic regions to provide evidence-based approaches to prevention strategies for ACEs and toxic stress.