California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine Precision Medicine Asset Inventory
The California Precision Medicine Asset Inventory is an interactive database of resources (or assets) related to advancing precision medicine in California. Entries include research labs, community-based and professional organizations, projects, datasets, private companies, public agencies, and more.
About the Asset Inventory
Collaboration and innovation are at the heart of the California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine. The purpose of the Asset Inventory is to foster connections between these networks with a searchable, interactive mapping tool that helps users find the people, organizations, and projects in California that are of interest to them.
In partnership with Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in 2019, CIAPM developed the first iteration of the Asset Inventory. In 2021, CIAPM redesigned the Asset Inventory to improve the user experience. The new version is easier to navigate, offers users greater ownership of their representation within the database, and seeks to serve a wider diversity of communities and interests.
Items included in the inventory are not recommendations or endorsements from the Governor's Office of Planning and Research.